Enhanced Security Against Wire Fraud by using PCN Network’s SAFEescrow Service

Why use PCN’s SAFEescrow Service?
The SAFEescrow service is a collaborative and transparent disbursement management service that removes the time and stress of managing your escrow accounts.
We do this by:
- Allowing you to maintain control of your disbursements
- Using our SAFEvalidation technology to verify your outgoing wires
- Providing certain Post Funding services
One flat rate
per closed transaction
No bank wire fees on accounts managed by PCN’s SAFEescrow service
SAFEescrow service manages and reconciles your agency’s designated bank accounts
No additional fees for post-funding services, including escheat
Schedule a DemoWhat is PCN Network?
PCN Network, LLC was established in 2004 to provide title agents with centralized processes and help them to increase their operational efficiencies, while maintaining compliance standards. Since PCN’s inception, we have seen many changes in the market, and have viewed each as an opportunity to help our customers provide exceptional service to their lenders and consumers. We believe that consumer protection, transparency, and compliance will remain the norm for our industry, and our expertise in a fluid environment will help you achieve your goals.
PCN Network provides its SAFEescrow service to allow you to better manage your settlement operations.
SAFEecrow is by far... THE BEST product to come along in years, an absolute must if you handle commercial transactions.

We have been working with SAFEescrow since our doors have opened here at Steed Title. We love that their service allows us to have another extra layer of security, for ourselves and our clients. With their SAFEvalidation process, we can minimize our chances of experiencing wire fraud on our outgoing wires, which helps keep our clients and customers at ease. SAFEescrow makes it easy for us to ensure our files will be funded with care and accuracy, and if any issues do arise, they are always quick and willing to get them resolved. Thank you SAFEescrow!

SAFEescrow has made our lives as Title Agents much easier. By having them handle our escrow and reconciliation for a very affordable cost, our business has been able to spend important hours marketing which helped us grow. Best decision we made as a Title Company.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is any special software needed to utilize PCN’s SAFEescrow service?
No special software installation is necessary; only an internet browser is required.
How do title agents sign up and begin processing transactions?
The onboarding process is straightforward and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete with the assistance of our experienced staff, which will provide training and guide you through your first few transactions. The SAFEescrow service also provides additional reference materials after onboarding.
Are there any upfront costs?
There are no upfront costs. SAFEescrow service charges on a per-transaction basis.
Are title agents required to sign a contract?
The use of SAFEescrow service is governed by the SAFEescrow service Terms and Conditions.
Can SAFEescrow service help save money on E&O Insurance costs?
Title agents who utilize SAFEescrow’s escrow account management services may receive significant savings on E&O insurance costs. Ask your insurance provider for more information about potential savings.
Does SAFEescrow service manage and close out a title agent’s non-SAFEescrow trust/escrow accounts?
Title agents are responsible for closing out any existing trust/escrow accounts they manage, keeping with underwriter guidelines and in accordance with state and federal laws.
How are Closing Protection Letters (CPL) issued?
Issuance of a CPL is determined by each underwriter in accordance with its guidelines and state requirements. SAFEescrow service staff can review CPL requirements with the title agent during the onboarding process.
Does SAFEescrow service have a Good Funds Policy?
Yes. The policy is designed to help secure funds for all parties.
Does a title agent need to perform escheat functions for unclaimed money maintained in a SAFEescrow service designated account?
No. SAFEescrow service follows escheat guidelines for transactions processed in SAFEescrow service designated accounts.
How should the settlement agent be listed on the Closing Disclosure or Closing Statement?
The title agent must be listed as the settlement agent on the Closing Disclosure and any other required lender, customer, and underwriter documentation. SAFEescrow provides a managed disbursement service; however, SAFEescrow service is not the settlement agent for transactions. Please refer to SAFEescrow service’s Terms and Conditions for a complete outline of roles and responsibilities.
Is SAFEescrow service integrated with any title production systems?
Yes: E-Closing, SoftPro®, TitleExpress®, Closer’s Choice™, AgentNet® Title and Escrow, and StreamLine™.
How are checks delivered by SAFEescrow service to recipients?
SAFEescrow service follows instructions provided by each title agent. Upon request, designated courier account information (UPS®, FedEx®, etc.) provided by a title agent can be securely stored. Absent specific selection, all checks are shipped using standard USPS.
What is the best way to show the SAFEescrow service disbursement fee on the Closing Disclosure/Closing Statement?
Title agents should seek legal advice regarding local customs and practices for the permitted ways to show SAFEescrow service fees on settlement disclosures and documents.
What are SAFEescrow service’s hours of operation?
9:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. EST, closed federal holidays.
All integrations: AgentNet® Title & Escrow, Closers Choice, E-Closing, SoftPro®, TitleExpress®, and Streamline™
Underwriters and Business Associates
All underwriters and business associates: Doma, First American Title™, First American Trust®, FlexClose Funding®, Fidelity National Title, Old Republict Title, and Westcor